Cargo Salvage Claims - CSC Sales

Fall 2024 Sponsorship

Thank you for your commitment to help sponsor the Fall Convention of the NTHECC. Please fill out the sponsorship form below.

For any questions regarding sponsorship process, please contact Richard Bruce.

Sponsorship Level

There are 4 different Sponsorship Levels

  • Red: $500 - $999
  • Blue: $1000 - $1,999
  • Gold: $2,000 - $7,499
  • Platinum: $7,500+

Sponsorship Enrollment

Please Note: Your enrollment to sponsor this event is a commitment to the NTHECC. You will be invoiced for the amount you enter above and all payments in full are to be made before 09/1/2024 or you will not be listed on the sponsorship board.

By clicking the "I Agree" check box below, you are agreeing that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions.